New Oscott Primary School

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Extra-curricular Activities and Enrichment

As a school, we have worked hard to develop the extra-curricular provision and opportunities we offer to our children due to the significant role they play in the wider development of children's abilities and the contribution they make to their personal development and welfare.

During the year, all classes also have a special day to enrich their topics, either via an educational visit, a special visitor to school or a themed day (such as ‘Ancient Greece’ day in Year 6). Professor McGinty is a very popular visitor to our school and enriches our History curriculum in his highly entertaining and engaging style. We also welcome ‘Wonderdome’ to support learning about space in Science in Year 5; the ‘Animal Man’ in Nursery and Year 2 to support their learning about Science and Dr Davies, historian, who gives talks to Year 5 about the Mayans.


We also enjoy whole school themed days and weeks such as Black History Month, ‘Odd Socks Day’ (Anti-bullying Week); World Book Day and Children in Need Day. 



All pupils have the opportunity to go to the theatre around Christmas time. In December 2024, the Juniors all enjoyed a local pantomime, and in March 2024 the Infants went to Birmingham Town Hall to watch ‘Stick Man’. Additionally, all year groups have a trip to further enrich their learning in different areas of the curriculum. These include Year 3’s visit to the Botanical Gardens; Year 4 trip to Conkers; Year 2’s trip to Dudley Zoo and Castle and Year 6’s trip to the Black Country Living Museum.


Pupils throughout our school are encouraged to take part in the Birmingham Libraries’ Summer Reading Challenge, to read and review 6 books over the summer holiday. Every year, we have so many pupils taking part, we have our own presentation assembly at the end of September with a local librarian attending to present certificates, medals and book tokens.

Years 5 and 6 have the opportunity to attend an outdoor and adventurous residential trip providing valuable learning experiences to challenge their confidence, determination and ability to work in a team.


We are fortunate to have wonderful and extensive grounds at New Oscott. Twice each year we hold ‘Groundforce’ mornings on Saturdays in April and November to tidy our grounds and to carry our summer and winter planting.    

This year, we also took part in the RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch – organised by our Eco Council – in February. We were surprised by how many different species of birds visit our school grounds!

Creative Arts

Creative Arts, and the manner in which they enrich the curriculum and children's learning, are a prominent aspect of life at New Oscott and is something that we know creates life long memories and skills. We hold the Birmingham Schools’ Music Mark for our work with Birmingham’s peripatetic Music Service

  • A specialist Music and Art Teacher who leads our Creative Arts Curriculum Team of teachers and teaching assistants
  • We subscribe to and partner with the Birmingham Music Service.
  • A partner with Centrestage School of Drama; we provide children from Years 2 to 6 with the opportunity to develop Speech and Drama skills and to take L.A.M.D.A. examinations each year. In 2024, 41 pupils took L.A.M.D.A. exams and all of them passed with a merit or a distinction 

  • We have an excellent KS2 school choir where children are given the opportunity to perform live whenever possible! Performances this year will include the Young Voices concert in February alongside 6000 pupils at the BP Pulse Live Arena, Birmingham. We have also performed with the Staffordshire Band, as well as singing at local care homes and our local Next store!     











  • In April and July 2024, our Guitar Ensemble performed at the prestigious Elgin Hall at Birmingham University. 

  • We endeavour to give our pupils experience of high quality live music performances. In recent years, this has included Bhangra drumming and a string quartet.
  • Our 4 Year 6 Music Ambassadors, organise a rota for pupils learning an instrument to perform at the beginning of Friday assemblies; pupils also perform as part of our Year 5 & 6 Carol Concert at St Columba’s Church each December. 

  • Whole school Arts-based activities and competitions. In November 2024, our pupils had the opportunity to enter an Eco Council competition to design and make a robot out of recycled materials, or draw/paint a picture of an endangered animal.


Sport is an integral part of life at New Oscott and we aspire for all children to enjoy taking part in PE and school sport.

At New Oscott we are proud to hold 4 Platinum Marks for P.E. and School Sport. We have an excellent and ever-improving P.E. and sports provision which includes:

  • A specialist PE Teacher who leads our P.E. and School Sport Curriculum Team of teachers and teaching assistants and who organises an extensive programme of extra-curricular opportunities (clubs and competitions)

    2022 Cross Country Team

  • Specialist Aspire sports coach who supports delivery of P.E. lessons alongside class teachers to build on teacher subject knowledge and skills and ensure sustainability
  • A wide range of extra-curricular sports clubs, some of which are free for children to attend.
  • Affiliation to the Sutton Coldfield District School Sports Association.
  • A partnership with other local schools to share good practice and plan and prepare cross-school activities.
  • Links to the Wilson Stuart School Sports Partnership that helps bring schools together for cross school competitions and training.
  • Weekly ‘gross motor’ skills sessions for pupils with SEND. Many of the pupils who attend these sessions also participate in Panathalon competitions against other schools.
  • A partnership with Bike North Birmingham who work to promote sustainable and environmentally friendly modes of transport, through fun projects and activities. Pupils in Years 5 & 6 have the opportunity to complete the Bikeability levels 1 and 2 qualifications.
  • Friday morning (before school) Yoga club
  • Termly enrichment events to encourage participation and enjoyment in sport including Inter-House Fun Run in March 2024; Sports Days and other inter-house competitions in the Summer term.

Please click on the links below for further details:

Before and After School Sports Clubs Spring Term 2025

Please click on the links below for further details:

NOPS School Council

Eco Council