PE Kit and School Uniform
Scroll down to view uniform lists and find links to stockists.
Uniform and Branded PE Kit
Winter Uniform
- Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers
- Red polo shirt with school badge or plain red
- Red sweatshirt or cardigan with school badge or plain red
- Red fleece
- Grey or white socks
- Grey, red or white tights
- Black school shoes
Summer Uniform
- Red check or stripe school dress, pinafore, skirt, trousers or shorts
- Red sweatshirt and school badge or red cardigan
- Red polo shirt with school badge or plain red
- Red fleece
- Grey or white socks
- Black school shoes (trainers not permitted)
Please note that pupils are not permitted to wear gel nails to school.
We also do not permit the wearing of smart watches or any device which can be used for taking photographs, recordings, sending or receiving messages.
Other items
Pupils who wear headwear for religious reasons are asked to keep this plain and to adhere to the school colours:
Red, grey, black or white.
Other items
- Named water bottle
- Sun hat in summer
- Book Bag (Infants)
PE and Games
- Red T shirt (available through school website)
- Black PE shorts (available through school website)
- Training shoes or pumps
- Black games skirt for Years 5 & 6 (if preferred)
- Black tracksuit for outdoor P.E. (available through school website)
Please name all items of school uniform, including coats and shoes.
Many supermarkets also sell plain school uniform; we do not require pupils to wear uniform with our school logo.
Parents’ Association (NOSPA)
School uniform
We also have pre-used uniform available via our Parents’ Association, NOSPA. This is available to view/purchase at school events such as parents’ evenings and school fairs – or by arrangement at other times. Please email for more information: