New Oscott Primary School

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A copy of the national programmes of study for KS1 and KS2 can be found below:

National Curriculum

Please see our E-Safety page if you would like more information about how we keep ourselves safe online.

E-Safety at New Oscott

‘We have Computing Confidence’

Computing Key Principles

  • We provide purposeful and relevant opportunities for the children to learn and consolidate key computing skills.
  • Lessons are exciting, stimulating and differentiated where necessary, allowing the children to deepen their understanding and progress as they move through the school.
  • We support the children in gaining confidence and determination to problem-solve and become ever-more independent with their use of technology.
  • We challenge ourselves and the children to be ambitious and use the correct vocabulary when talking about technology.
  • Computing skills are used across the curriculum to support inclusive learning and give the children the opportunity to apply and transfer their understanding within other subjects.
  • We provide extra-curricular opportunities for the children to extend their breadth of knowledge and discover new uses of technology.
  • We aim for the children to be kind and co-operative with other technology users.
  • E-Safety is at the heart of the Computing curriculum and we aim to teach the children to appreciate and respect the uses and dangers of the technology that is around them. 
At New Oscott Primary School, we follow the Teach Computing scheme. To explore the curriculum journey for Teach Computing, please see this document. 
By following this scheme, we cover the 3 strands of computing:
  • Computer Science: the study of computers as machines and how they operate including programming, algorithms, variables, sequence, selection and repetition.
  • Information Technology: the skills you need to live, learn, and work in a society where communication and access to information is increasingly through digital technologies like internet platforms, social media, and mobile devices. This includes being knowledgeable and responsible users of technology, using the internet and other platforms safely and respectfully.
  • Digital Literacy: the ability to create, retrieve, combine and manipulate digital content. The understanding of computer networks, the world-wide web and the internet and how they operate. 

More detail about the skills and knowledge that each year group covers can be found on the year group pages.

Please see the curriculum map for this year for the whole school overview.

Curriculum map 2024 - 2025

As this is a transition year to the Teach Computing scheme, some year groups are covering prior units of work to ensure that they have the correct knowledge, skills and understanding before progressing on to the units for their year group. 

E-safety is an integral part of our computing lessons. We have started using Project Evolve to monitor, teach and assess the pupils' e-safety understanding. E-safety is taught alongside the Teach Computing scheme within our lessons and has been mapped to link in with the units being taught, as well as other events across the curriculum. Please see the E-safety page, which is under Key Information, for more details.