New Oscott Primary School

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Please contact Delivery Team on
0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

Pupil Absence or Late Arrival

If your child is unwell and unable to attend school, please complete the Pupil Absence form by clicking on the following link:  

Pupil Absence Form

  You do not then need to telephone school. We will contact you if further information is required. 

NHS Pharmacy First Information - Pharmacists can prescribe for 7 common conditions, it is FREE, confidential and may be quicker than seeing your GP. 

NHS advice about school absence - click here.

We politely request that messages about a pupil absence are not left on the school answer machine, thank you. 

Click here to view our whole school attendance letter - September 2024

Good Attendance at New Oscott Primary School

There are 190 days in a school year which leaves 175 days to spend on family time, shopping, appointments and other things.

Need help with your child’s attendance?

Please email or call the school office and ask for a member of the Pastoral Team to contact you. We will work with you to help improve your child’s attendance. Please visit our policies page to view our attendance policies.                                                                   

Regardless of the reason, if your child is absent from school, it will impact on their learning.

Parents/carers are legally responsible for ensuring their child attends school on time every day.

The easiest way to ensure your child attends school on time every day is to establish a GOOD EVENING AND MORNING ROUTINE - if the mornings are hectic in your household, prepare as much as possible the night before. School can signpost you to Early Help (or click here) to refer yourself.                                                          

Medical appointments

Where possible all appointments should be booked outside of school hours. If this is not possible, come to school before and/or after your appointment.


Too ill to attend school?

Children can attend school with minor ailments (toothache, headache, stomach ache, cold, sore throat) over the counter medicines can be given before school. School will contact you if they become too ill to remain in school.

If you are unsure if your child can attend or when they can return, please contact the school office who will be able to advise you.

Absence during term time

Children must not be absent from school for :

  • day trips
  • shopping
  • birthdays
  • parent/carer or sibling illness

Reporting absence It is a parent/carer’s responsibility to notify school if their child is absent. A reason must be provided.

Persistent absence Any child with attendance below 90% regardless of the reason for the absence is considered to be a persistent absentee. This equates to just 2 days each month.

Statistics show that persistent absentees are less likely to achieve their full potential. Unauthorised leave in term time (holidays) Holiday in term time will be unauthorised except in exceptional circumstances. Holiday request forms are available from the school office. Fines of £80 per parent/carer, per child may be issued where unauthorised leave has been taken during term time.


We actively work to monitor and improve attendance at our school.