Welcome to Year 2
Please find below a copy of the Year Group Information from the beginning of the year.
Spring 2025
Science - Animals - Knowledge and Skills Planner
P.E. - Gymnastics - Knowledge and Skills Planner
P.E. - Run, Jump, Throw - Knowledge and Skills Planner
Geography - Why don’t penguins need to fly? - Learning Organiser
Music - Musical Moods and Pictures - Knowledge and Skills Planner
P.S.H.E. - Dreams and Goals - Knowledge and Skills Planner
Art and Design - Colour and Media - Knowledge and Skills Planner
Autumn 2024
Autumn 2
Science - Knowledge and Skills Planner - Living Things and Habitats
D.T. - Knowledge and Skills Planner - Food - Fruit kebabs and dips
P.E. - Knowledge and Skills Planner - Attack, Defend, Shoot - Unit 1
P.E. - Knowledge and Skills Planner - Dance - Unit 1
P.S.H.E. - Knowledge and Skills Planner - Celebrating Differences
Geography - Learning Organiser: Why does it matter where our food comes from?
Autumn 1
History - Knowledge Organiser - What does it take to be a great explorer?
Science - Knowledge and Skills Planner - Living Things and Habitats
Knowledge and Skills Planner - Being Me in My World
Art - Knowledge and Skills Planner - Line and Form
Music - Knowledge and Skills Planner -Time to play – Exploring pulse and rhythm patterns
Computing - Learning Graph - Information technology around us
db Primary
All 'Home-Learning' resources for Year 2 will now be placed on our online learning hub, dB Primary. Your child has been given login details for this website and the logo below will take you straight to the login page. On dB Primary, your child can access a 'Year 2' page where it will detail the tasks that your child should complete at home as well as the opportunity for children to upload the work that they complete. It contains all the documents that your child might need to complete the work. If you have any problems with accessing dB primary, please email us at enquiry@newoscott.bham.sch.uk
White Rose Maths
All children have been given their log-in cards for Mathletics and Spellodrome. It is the same user name and password for each site. They have also been given their log in card for Times Table Rockstars. Both cards have been stuck in to the children’s homework book.
For those who did not have their book, the cards have been put into their homework folders.
The websites these details can access are:
Book review templates