Welcome to Year 4
Please find below a copy of the Year Group Information from the beginning of the year.
Art and Design Knowledge Organiser
Design and Technology Knowledge Organiser
Computing - Learning Graph - Computing systems and networks – The internet
Spring 2025
Spring 2
Science - Light and Sound - Knowledge and Skills Planner
Computing - Data Logging - Learning Graph
Spanish - Moving our Bodies - Knowledge Organiser
Spring 1
P.E. - Outdoor and Adventurous activities
Geography - How can we live more sustainably? - Learning Organiser
Science - Electricity - Knowledge and Skills Planner
Autumn 2024
Autumn 2
P.S.H.E. - Knowledge and Skills Planner - Celebrating Difference
Science - Knowledge and Skills Planner - Materials
P.E. - Knowledge Organiser - Football and Dance Unit 1
R.E. - Knowledge Organiser - Christianity - The Nativity Story
Geography -Learning Organiser: Why do some earthquakes cause more destruction than others?
Music - Learning Graph - Audio Production
Art and Design - Knowledge and Skills Planner - Colour and Media - Poppies
Spanish - Knowledge Organiser - My town, your town
Autumn 1
P.S.H.E. - Knowledge and Skills Planner - Being Me in My World
Science - Knowledge and Skills Planner - Animals
P.E. - Knowledge Organiser - Gymnastics
P.E. - Knowledge Organiser - Netball
R.E. - Knowledge Organiser - Buddhism
History - Learning Organiser - Romans - How did the arrival of the Romans change Britain?
Art and Design - Knowledge and Skills Planner - Line and Form – Roman Mosaics
Summer 2024
P.E. - Rounders - Knowledge Organiser
Science - Knowledge and Skills Planner - Working Scientifically
R.E. - Knowledge Organiser - Christianity
Geography - Learning Organiser - Why do so many people in the world live in megacities?
Science - Knowledge and Skills Planner - Living Things and Habitats
Spanish - Hungry Giant - Fruits and Vegetables
Multiplication Tables Check
Parent Meeting on Wednesday 3rd May 2023 at 2.45 p.m.
Please click on the links below for more information about what is involved and how you can support your child with practice at home.
Information for parents: 2023 multiplication tables check leaflet
db Primary
All 'Home-Learning' resources for Year 4 will now be placed on our online learning hub, dB Primary. Your child has been given login details for this website and the logo below will take you straight to the login page. On dB Primary, your child can access a 'Year 4' page where it will detail the tasks that your child should complete at home as well as the opportunity for children to upload the work that they complete. It contains all the documents that your child might need to complete the work. If you have any problems with accessing dB primary, please email us at enquiry@newoscott.bham.sch.uk
Year 4 Home Learning Resources
The children have usernames and passwords for the following sites which can be found in their homework books.