Support for Families during Covid-19
The Communication Autism Team are offering a Parent Webinar on Managing Behaviours in Autistic children:
Managing Behaviours In Autistic Children
For more information, please click the links below for information regarding: emergency food assistance, mental health support, financial help, domestic abuse, bereavement support and early help for families:
Other useful websites and resources
DEAFKIDZ vs COVID-19 is a set of three simple, but fast paced games to show you how to stop spreading COVID-19 and beat the virus.
Services offered by Birmingham Community Healthcare Service during Covid 19
Communication and Autism Team
This is a link to the following web site mentioned in the envelope of resources you should of received from the SEN Team.
‘Access to Education’ which has some useful resources on.
Communication and Autism Team - Support for Children 4 Parents Leaflet
Communication and Autism Team - Website
Transitioning your Child / Young Person back into their setting
Coronavirus resources for children and families - Sheffield Children's NHS
Looking after yourself, looking after your children - Resource Parent pack
TISUK Wellbeing tips for families
Useful websites for Home Learning
Birmingham City Council Parent Link Service contact line
Department for Education - List of online education resources for home education
Useful PRIMARY SCIENCE resources for families and teachers
Birmingham Speech and Language Advice Line
You can contact the Speech and language Therapy Team for therapy advice, strategies and support for parents / carers, schools and other professionals in relation to a child’s / young person’s communication skills or eating, drinking and swallowing concerns. The phone line will be open Mon - Fri from 9am – 4pm
Please click on the link below for more information
Birmingham Speech and Language Advice Line
Speech and Language support, here is a link that leads to a website offering advice and resources - under the activities tab.
Speech and Language Parent Portal
Help and advice for parents of children -
Physical Difficulties Support Service
Birmingham Sensory Support Service
Communication and Autism Team (CAT)
Birmingham Educational Psychology Service
Beacon School Support leaflet, includes some really good tips and advice for helping children (and parents) to manage during this extended period of school closure.
Please find a link below for 60+ Virtual Easter days out
Virtual Easter days out