New Oscott Primary School

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Please contact Delivery Team on
0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

Home Learning for pupils isolating due to Covid-19 Autumn Term 2021

Parents are asked to notify school immediately if your child tests positive for Covid-19. Your child will be required to isolate for 10 days from the onset of symptoms or from the day of the test, if no symptoms are present.

Your child's teacher will email planning and resources for home learning during your child's isolation period. Please contact your child's class teacher via if you have any questions or require support with the work set.

Parent Information during school closures in March 2020 and January 2021

UK Mental Health Charity with information and an online mutual support community

Mind UK

The Family Line service supports people who are dealing with family pressures in a new and innovative way by using a network of volunteers from across the country to support family members over the age of 18 through telephone calls, email, web chat and text message

Family Action

Family Lives offers a confidential and free helpline service for families in England and Wales (previously known as Parentline). For emotional support, information, advice and guidance on any aspect of parenting and family life. The helpline service is open 9am – 9pm, Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm Saturday and Sunday.

Family Lives

One Parent Families - Gingerbread is the leading national charity working to help lone parents and their children.


Grandparents Plus is the only national charity (England and Wales) dedicated to supporting kinship carers - grandparents and other relatives raising children who aren't able to live with their parents.

Grandparents Plus

Dr Ranj explains the coronavirus to Jobi. They sing a song about washing your hands.


Need someone to talk to? Struggling to cope with feelings? Pause is here for you, if you are under 25 and have a Birmingham GP.

We offer a non-judgemental listening ear, self-help strategies plus skills for managing difficult situations and feelings. We are open 10-6 seven days a week.

Drop us an email on or call 0207 8414470 and we will arrange for one of our friendly team to call you back.

For more info check out

Pause Poster 1 

Pause Poster 2

Birmingham Speech and Language Advice Line

You can contact the Speech and language Therapy Team for therapy advice, strategies and support for parents / carers, schools and other professionals in relation to a child’s / young person’s communication skills or eating, drinking and swallowing concerns. The phone line will be open Mon - Fri from 9am – 4pm

Please click on the link below for more information
Birmingham Speech and Language Advice Line

Beacon School Support leaflet, includes some really good tips and advice for helping children (and parents) to manage during this extended period of school closure.

Beacon School Support leaflet

Many of you will know about this free Minecraft teaching resources l’m sure, but just in case you don’t….
Support for parents including the leaflet on CAT support is now available on the local offer and can be downloaded - the link is below if you are having any difficulties.

Please find attached a flyer for the support line being run by the Birmingham Educational Psychology Service, for all parents and carer’s across the city, offering them telephone consultations with psychologists during the school shut down period. This service is self-referral by parents and is available for any issue they wish to raise around their children and family situation at this time.

Birmingham Educational Psychology Service

Please find a link below for 60+ Virtual Easter days out
Virtual Easter days out